Created for His Glory Powerpoint Slides
1. Seeing the Invisible (1.4 MB)
Part One: Rejoicing in the Grand Reality of God
2. The Reality of God's Supremacy (652 k)
3. The Reality of the Father's Sovereignty (768 k)
4. The Reality of Christ's Sufficiency (693 k)
5. The Reality of the Spirit's Security (669 k)
Part Two: Experiencing the Grand Reality of God
6. Relishing the Assurance (678 k)
7. Restoring the Unity (669 k)
8. Rejecting the Fantasy (690 k)
9. Responding to the Spirit (654 k)
Part Three: Displaying the Grand Reality of God
10. Living in the Fear of God (300 k)
11. Ruling in the Fear of God (325 k)
12. Submitting in the Fear of God (350 k)
13. 'Tis Mystery All (649 k)